Spring Update on the Farm
It’s spring and we welcomed ducklings, chicks, quail, baby goats, and a new puppy to the farm!
How to Grow Forsythia from Cuttings
I will show you how to easily propagate forsythia in this post!
February on the Farm
The groundhog did not see his shadow this year, and it seems like spring is indeed just around the corner! It’s time for the February farm update to keep you all apprised of what’s happening at Heritage Springs with the warmer weather.
10 Big Reasons to Choose Farm Fresh Eggs Over Store-Bought Every Time
Our hens have names, best friends, and favorite nesting boxes. They play games, are free to wander where they please, scratch at the ground, find bugs, and live their best chicken lives.
How to Propagate Philodendron Hederaceum Directly into a Soil Mix
Philodendron Hederaceum is commonly known as Heart Leaf Philodendron. You see the standard green variety of these growing in shopping malls, Burger Kings, and on teacher’s desks all across America. We finally got something right!
Learn to Propagate Stems with No Leaves!
Before I learned this method for growing new plants from leafless stems, I threw them into the compost heap with the used potting soil and yellow leaves. If you’re like me, you hate to throw away plant cuttings. Even if I don’t want another pothos, I’ll grow it and use it to fill in a plant I already have that’s looking sparse. Sometimes I’ll trade it for another plant or use it to barter for something.
Pot a Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata Cutting With Me
Pot a Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata cutting with me!
January Update
It’s January here on the farm. In Northern Virginia it is wet, cold, sloppy, and grey. We are keeping the animals warm, but not much is really happening. Soon we will plan the garden, start the seeds, greet the new baby goats, split the beehives, gather eggs for hatching, and do all the things that need to be done after months of gross weather gives way to warm sunny spring days. What are we doing in the meantime?
My Little Chicken
MLC lived her best life as a house chicken…
We Figure it out as We Go
Neil and I did not grow up farming, but we learned that most of the time it’s best to figure it out as we go.
Heritage Springs- How it all Started
It turns out I hate owning an empty barn…